#the sheep writes
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Title: a constellation of blood drops
Summary: Tekkadan decides to salvage Gaelio’s mobile suit for spare parts; turns out that the most useful one is the pilot. To the dismay of everyone involved.
i | ii | iii | iv | v |
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VI. nulla dies umquam memori vos eximet aevo (no day shall erase you from the memory of time)
Gaelio has been preemptively regretting having to talk to McGillis about this ever since the last serious conversation he had with Mikazuki. It has made him miserable, but at least he’s prepared when the man boards the Isaribi and makes time to speak with him.
He clears his throat from the dread filling his stomach and forges ahead, because he made a promise, damn it.
“How much do you remember about the laws regarding polygamous marriage for a member of the Seven Stars Families?” is what he says.
Predictably, McGillis turns toward him with a smile that could cut glass.
“Oh? Are you planning that far ahead already?”
Gaelio does his best to shrug without wincing.
“Say, if I were to marry all members of Tekkadan, would they be recognized as free citizens of the Earth Sphere?”
And Gaelio will tell himself later to mark this day on his calendar, because it’s the first time he has managed to surprise McGillis into howling with laughter until he’s a writhing mass of humanity curled up in a ball, trying to fit his fist into his own mouth to hush the sounds he’s making.
“There is...” He gasps, still shaking. “There is a limit to the number of... consorts an heir of one of the families is allowed to have.”
Gaelio sighs; of course there is.
“Less than—” He does a mental calculation, the whole of Tekkadan plus whatever relatives they may have, plus the pastry sisters might be too big of a stretch; he probably would have to make do with the most vulnerable younger members; “—fifty?”
McGillis snorts, but it is good-naturedly and his eyes are still bright. It’s a good look on him. Makes it a bit harder to remember that Gaelio will never forgive him.
“Try twelve.”
“Yes,” McGillis nods, his smile sharpening in way that is impossible to ignore. “However, there are no laws that limit the number of children an heir of one of the families can adopt to ensure the survival of their House and Legacy.”
Gaelio doesn’t ask is that what you father did? but he thinks about it, and that’s bad enough. Regardless of their past, they are here now, working toward a common goal, and that goal involves making sure that the members of Tekkadan have a life waiting for them when this conflict ends.
“Thank you, McGillis.”
“You’re welcome,” McGillis honest smile is becoming a more common sight these days, but it still manages to punch the breath out of him every time. “But you were also right, should you choose to marry, your spouse would be recognized as a free citizen of the Earth Sphere and part of one of the families.”
“That’s... good.”
“Yes, I suppose Mikazuki Bauduin has a nice ring to it.” And then, because he’s a bastard, he adds: “However, I must remind you that your family will ask you to provide an heir, so you should discuss the topic of surrogacy with him before that.”
It is entirely possible that McGillis is trying to rile him up, but really, they grew up in the same social circles and he should know better. Gaelio has already thought extensively about that.
“That shouldn’t be a problem, Miss Atra seems already determined to carry his children and there is no requirement for the heir of the family to be blood related to me.”
McGillis stares at him gob smacked and Gaelio mentally adds another exclamation point to the mark that he will put on his calendar. He has surprised him twice in less than twenty minutes, surely that is some kind of record. Next thing he knows, McGillis is laughing so hard that he’s in pain and Orga bangs into the door threatening the two of them to behave and don’t make me come in there like an angry mother.
What even is his life.
There is no point in pretending that Mikazuki would choose him above everyone else vying for his attention, but those vying for his attention will at last have to recognize that it would be a convenient union. For all involved.
“Four spouses is well within the limits, isn’t it?”
“The Turbines have been a terrible influence on you, Gaelio. But yes, four is a very respectable number, especially so if the point seems to be to ensure an adequate offspring is produced... But four?”
“... Mikazuki should be obvious.”
“So it is, but he is also the choice that would be most contended.”
McGillis doesn’t need to clarify what he means; not only is Mikazuki another man, and a much too young looking one to boot, and that will be enough to get tongues wagging, but he is also from Mars, and not even a citizen but a Human Debris. He has the stigma of the Alaya-Vijnana system quite literally impressed upon his skin. He has no family ties that could offer any sort of advantage financially, politically or otherwise, although the reputation of Tekkadan should at least assuage those seeking advantage in military affairs. He is also, and the thought alone stings, disabled when not plugged to the Barbatos. He is quite possibly the worst choice of a partner he could make. There is no one else he wants more, is the thing.
Atra is little better, and she reminds him too much of his own sister to treat her as anything else, but he could pretend for all of their sakes. Mikazuki would not leave her behind, and Atra would not let Mikazuki go anywhere she wouldn’t be able to follow, so accepting her has been an unavoidable choice.
“Mikazuki and Miss Atra, then, I understand, but the other two?”
Gaelio explains his next choice, making no effort to hide how much it pains him to do so.
Kudelia is a possibility, both a best-case and worst-case scenario at once. On the one hand, a union with her would be glaringly obviously beneficial in all the ways that matter to the remaining members of the Seven Stars, on the other hand, she is as infamous as she is popular and the ideas she fights for haven’t exactly endeared her to those who wish to protect the status quo. He would have to tread lightly when presenting his intentions, but if she cares for Mikazuki, and he knows she does, she would have to accept that the protection offered by his lineage would be an invaluable asset.
“Alright then,” McGillis winces, and it’s a wonder that he has stopped wearing his mask at all times around him. “And the fourth? Orga?”
Orga Itsuka loves Mikazuki in a wholly different way, but he would never accept to marry Gaelio for his sake, pretense or not.
Gaelio sighs, exasperated.
“Hush Middy, at this point I think is accurate to say that I would need a crowbar to pry him off Mikazuki.”
(Orga comes banging at the door not five minutes later, after one of the younger members of Tekkadan goes and tells him that McGillis is being murdered in his own room and is dying quite loudly.
“I swear to god!” Snarls Orga, when he slams open the door, although he doesn’t believe in any higher beings.
“That’s just how he laughs, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Make him stop!”)
McGillis is no longer laughing, but there’s a small smile on his face that makes it seem like he’s no longer Atlas, burdened by the weight of the world and its sins.
It is with that same smile, but cold, cold eyes that he turns to Gaelio and speaks once more.
“You’ll have to make sure they survive the war, then.”
Gaelio catches himself before nodding, the tone of McGillis voice so mild he could have been talking about the weather. This is not something they have discussed before.
“War?” The word leaves his chest like a ragged exhalation, and McGillis looks sorry for him.
“... I’m sorry, Gaelio.”
Sometimes, McGillis makes it too easy to remember that he should hate him. That he does, sometimes.
“What have you not told me, McGillis?”
McGillis closes his eyes and begins to talk.
“That was your plan?” He sneers, in spite of himself, once McGillis is finished. “That was—that was your plan, that was it?!”
McGillis opens his mouth to defend said plan, be he needn’t have bothered. Gaelio has no intention of letting him speak.
“What were you going to do if they didn’t accept your command?! What made you think they would take a look at a Mobile Suit and submit just for an obsolete law?!”
“It the Gundam with the soul of—”
“It’s a Mobile Suit, for fuck’s sake! A children’s story!”
And oh, isn’t that a revelation. The way McGillis jaw snaps shut, against the cruelty of the world that insists on shattering the ideals he holds most dear? A fairy tale with brave knights that are able to save the world with a feat of valor, of strength?
This world is not so kind.
(Had he always been so naive? Or had he, like Gaelio, chosen to blind himself to whatever threatened the hope he had managed to salvage for himself?)
No, this world is far too cruel for a man like him. He can almost justify still caring for him.
“I always thought you were the smartest out of all of us,” he says, because he still loves this man like a brother, but he hasn’t forgiven him and probably never will. “I’m glad to see that is not the case.”
And then—and then he dares and places his hand on McGillis shoulder, a ghost of a touch.
“I’m sure we can come up with some other plan, between the two of us. Just in case,” he adds, because he doesn’t want to see the hope crushed in his eyes again.
“Yes,” McGillis smiles. “Thank you, Gaelio.”
His real smile is a thing of wonder, so different from the usual, controlled upturn of his mouth than Gaelio learned to associate with the man that it changes his whole face, makes him looks years younger.
Gaelio has to swallow down the bitterness in his throat. This is what he means. So many years, and he never noticed he had been living a lie. He hadn’t wanted to notice, he just wanted the comfort of having his friends, his upper-class life, of not wanting for anything.
He has to go to the Barbatos after that, and for the first time he’s the one who pulls Mikazuki against him and holds him there even though Mikazuki protests that he was practicing his writing. This world is far too cruel. It has taken far too much from the people he has come to care about, and he can’t help—he can’t help but think that it’s not over yet.
Given the latest revelations, Gaelio has had no choice but to (once again) come to the same, sad conclusion he’s been trying to forget in this new lease of life: ultimately, he cannot trust McGillis.
Hell, he can only barely trust himself. In all honesty, given that he was born and raised in the same cesspit as McGillis and Catra and Iok fucking Kujan, he shouldn’t trust himself at all.
Unfortunately, circumstances demand that he stepped up and played the role of responsible adult, regardless of how woefully unprepared for that he is.
Indeed: McGillis is delusional and Tekkadan is mostly made up of children with no idea how the world works beyond the horrors they have survived. He has the task of saving them all or the most he can. Obviously he’s the only one who can see the kind of mess they’ll make if left to their own devices. But that’s fine, between himself and Merribit he’s almost certain they can make up for the lack of common sense of everyone else.
Most of all, what he cannot believe is that he’s turned out to be the sensible, reasonable one from among his childhood friends.
Spurred by such terrible thoughts, Gaelio find himself once again hunting down Orga Itsuka with the single-mindedness that probably runs in the veins of all children of the Seven Stars Families, much to their detriment. At least it’s being put to good use in this case. Probably.
Orga Itsuka looks warily at him; not like he did at the beginning, or the first time Gaelio cornered demanding a truce, but more as if he knows that he’s not going to like whatever Gaelio has to say but it is nonetheless in his best interests to listen. Merribit, thank all the stars, is also there, holding Orga’s arm like that will prevent him from escaping their clutches.
Like before, Gaelio explains his reasons to Orga Itsuka mostly because he has to make him understand in order for him to give Gaelio permission to assign himself another near-suicidal, but necessary, mission.
Because Rustal Elion is an opponent so far above the wight class of the child soldiers that he would swallow them whole and they’d only notice when they started being digested; that’s the kind of monster that man is, every inch the Head of on the Seven Star Families.
“Rustal Elion will never be your friend, he won’t even be your ally, but if he thinks he can use you to get close to his goal, he’ll do it.”
That man would use someone until he couldn’t wring a single drop of blood more, and then he’d use them to pave his way to the goal he holds dearest above all, that he intends to reach even if it meant betraying and abandoning his own family and subordinates.
“He doesn’t want to be a footnote, he doesn’t want to be just another name in a branch of his family tree; he wants entire chapters in history books to be dedicated to him, he wants to leave a mark.”
Ruthless Elion. Back in the Academy, all the students used to jokingly call him that, in hushed voices. And none of them knew a thing, none of them could have imagined how true that nickname was.
“So offer him that,” Gaelio says, to a wide-eyed Orga. “And give him whatever he asks for when he doesn’t believe you capable of giving him that, because having him as a lukewarm ally will be leagues better than letting him Tekkadan could stand in his way, or, worse, could be used as a stepping stone.”
Gaelio bites the inside of his cheek, debating his next betrayal, but merely as a formality. As much as he loves McGillis as a brother, as the best friend he believed him to be, as the man whose ideals he will follow, whose side he will take in the war he’s so hellbent on starting—Gaelio’s heart already has a clear owner.
And if that owner also has a clear owner, then the hierarchy is clear.
Gaelio opens his mouth and spits out the words, half warning, half plea:
“Take it from someone who knows, Orga Itsuka—McGillis has no idea what he’s doing.”
(He doesn’t understand how the real world works, he doesn’t say. In spite of having already been exposed to the worst of it, he definitely will never say.)
Orga wavers at that, maybe because it should sound like nothing but lies, maybe because the honesty in Gaelio’s voice feels as though it had to be extracted with hooks and pliers, but he finally concedes.
Gaelio is granted permission to present their case before their enemy, to go into the wolf’s den and offer it a meal in hopes it will choose to ally itself with them.
Mikazuki had made a deal with the devil for their sake. Gaelio would be remiss if he did anything less.
Still, Mikazuki’s devil is made of metal and asked for nothing but flesh; Gaelio’s is flesh and blood and human all over and he doesn’t know yet what he will be asked to give.
But he will give it, if it is in his hands to do so, if that means that Tekkadan, this court of children that Mikazuki would kill and bleed for, can be saved.
Can be safe.
Gaelio is not Tekkadan’s, in spite of everything that has happened, he still believes this. Tekkadan, however, is Gaelio’s. Such are the fangs of his upbringing, finally showing.
It is only right, then, that such fangs and claws are put to use in safeguarding what is his.
He prepares for his arranged meeting with Rustal Elion with a fastidiousness that he remember afflicted his mother when she prepared Almiria for her engagement party with McGillis. He was sent appropriate clothing for the occasion, and McGillis even lent him one of his most trusted aides, aware that this would be akin to an opening move in this war he still expected, who had trimmed Gaelio’s hair and once again caked his face in makeup—although, granted, of much higher quality than the one he had previously used to hide his scars.
Gaelio looks at the full-length mirror McGillis’ aide had brought with him, and inspects his perfectly-tailored armor, the subtlety of his war paint, squares his shoulders and goes off to bargain with the devil.
Gaelio has already played the zealot before Rustal Elion, it should hardly be a difficult thing to play such role again. If the object of his zealotry has shifted just enough to align with Elion's own interest, no doubt twisted by the very real flaws of the organization he was, oh, so willing to worship before, and how it had only proven to fall short of his expectations after his, oh, so harrowing experiences while undercover—well, people are always willing to see what they want to see. Gaelio won't be even lying, really.
(There was worship of course, as there were expectations, given how he was brought up, his family, his everything, and all those things lie in a heap of bullshit, now that Gaelio has peeked behind the curtain and found the wizened old husk of their ideals, rotting like a corpse left in a basement.)
Rustal Elion receives Gaelio personally and escorts him to a chamber in one of his ships so opulent it could be displayed as a piece on a museum dedicated to the influence of the Château de Versailles.
“Please sit, Lord Bauduin. We will have refreshments brought to us in a minute, but I believe you’d prefer some privacy for our discussion.”
“Of course, my thanks for your consideration, Lord Elion,” Gaelio makes a show of bowing his head just a smidgen more than strictly necessary, placing himself squarely beneath his host. “It is an extremely sensitive matter what I wished to discuss with you, although perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I wished to plead my case before you, as someone who as of right now could be considered the head of the Seven Stars families.”
Rustal Elion takes a set before him and laces his fingers together with a placid smile, the very picture of an understanding, doting superior willing to lend an ear to a troubled youth.
“Please speak freely, Lord Bauduin. I am aware of your complicated situation, after all and would happily lend a helping hand should you need it.”
“It is indeed a complicated situation,” Gaelio agrees, demurely. “And I’m afraid that I have only complicated it further during my time… in this mission, in a manner unbefitting of the heir of one of the Seven Stars. Which is why I must beg your assistance, Lord Elion, as I’ve heard you have a vested interest in the standing of Mars and all its citizens.”
This is a fib, and not even a very good one, since all of Gjallarhorn could be said to have such ‘vested interest’, but only for the worse. However, Rustal Elion’s eyes shine with the intensity of a predator smelling blood and he opens his hands in a welcoming, soothing gesture, a friend in Gaelio’s hour of need willing to hear him out, even if the last time they spoke Gaelio had all but called all of Mars the dregs of humanity.
“Of course, Lord Bauduin! Such humanitarian causes are one of the many duties of our station, and your first-hand experience has no doubt granted you a valuable insight of the plights the so-called human debris must endure,” he says, panegyrizing to the point of artifice. “You can rest assured that I will not pass judgment on you, rather, I believe you should be praised for having learned from this experience.”
Gaelio tries not to wince and cannot be sure if he succeeded. He thinks of the many ways he could spin a tale for Rustal Elion to bait him into action, to present the choice of allying himself with—not Tekkadan, certainly not, but the heads of two of the Seven Stars, Six, now that the Issue family has lost its successor. That would give him the support of half the families, not counting his own, an absolute, undeniable majority. It takes him perhaps half a second to realize that, if Rustal Elion deems him untrustworthy, they will all be doomed and there would be no guarantee of him leaving this ship with his life.
Thus, Gaelio, who knows he’s making a gamble he can’t afford to lose, chooses to parade his one weakness in front of Rustal Elion.
“I intend to marry a human debris,” he says, with all the gravitas such declaration of war deserves. “I will not bring shame upon my family, so the laws will have to change. The world will have to change, to make a place for us.”
Gaelio will drag the entire world, kicking and screaming if need be, to the point where they all see at least a fraction of the brilliance he sees in Mikazuki.
“He will not be called a human debris when I marry him; he will be a person, with all the respect that entails. I won’t have the time to formally duel everyone who shows any disrespect otherwise. And I will formally duel everyone, anyone, the whole damn world, to have him.”
Even as the words leave his lips, he knows they are the truth and there’s no hiding that from the predator before him. Rustal Elion must be able to read some of his desperation in Gaelio’s face or voice, because the amiable business smile he had kept firmly affixed on his face finally changed to something realer and hungrier.
“If you can grant me that, Lord Elion,” Gaelio says, with the fervor of the devout. “I promise you will have the support of the Bauduin family in all of your endeavors, as well as my personal cooperation, in whichever manner you see fit to use. I cannot speak for my good friend McGillis, but I have it on good authority that he would me more than amenable to join hands in pursuit of a worthy goal.”
Rustal Elion abandons all pretense of humility, throws his head back and laughs.
“Why! You flatter this old man, Lord Bauduin,” his smile only grows, even as his eyes do his best to dissect Gaelio where he stands. “Should I take this to mean that the Bauduin and Fareed families would support me, either in improving or restructuring Gjallahorn?”
Gaelio’s smile is one that would be at home in a family picture of a perfect day in the park, a charming young man adored by the world, with the rest of his life before him.
“The times have changed, Lord Elion. If the rest of the Heads would rather cling to the stories of old and bury their heads in the sand, we who know better are aware that this means we should change as well. Lord Kujan, for all his brashness, has made it no secret that you are willing to spearhead such changes. Please, do consider our proposal. We have high hopes for a mutually beneficial relationship.”
Gaelio stands up and bends in a perfectly respectful bow, before being escorted to the docks by one of Rustal Elion’s aides. Every step he takes before arriving to his ship, feels like ice cracking below him. It is only until he is on his way back that he allows himself to curl up into a tiny ball and hyperventilate, uncaring of which child has to see one of his breakdowns; by now it is practically a rite of passage.
(For who, he’s not quite sure.)
Mikazuki Bauduin.
It is a meagre offering; in another life such statement would be insulting, but in this one Gaelio knows better. He would much rather take Mikazuki’s last name. Gaelio Augus. He would have twice the ‘g’s that Mikazuki treasures for the connection it represents to Orga Itsuka. Gaelio Bauduin, with all the protection the name represents, with all the considerations both political and otherwise that he would be able to give Mikazuki, would be taking that away.
The name of a ghost, since the scion of the Bauduin might as well be dead, for all that life has changed him.
But he has nothing else to give. Not even his clothes are his own.
Mikazuki Bauduin.
It should make him happy, and it’s a bitter pill to swallow to find out it doesn’t.
Perhaps, once McGillis is done wrecking havoc among the Seven Star Families, once Kudelia is done with her humanitarian work, once Tekkadan doesn’t have any reason to be other than the bonds they have and the moniker of ‘human debris’ is relegated to the gutter where it belongs, once Rustal Elion is done scribbling his name in history books for the sake of the legacy he so dreams of leaving, regardless of whether he has to write it down in ink or blood—perhaps then he will be allowed to be Gaelio Augus, with no need for consorts to ensure an heir, with no obligations to fulfill but those to his own heart.
He hopes Mikazuki is willing to wait for him.
God, he hopes they all are.
Ah, but Gaelio is wrong, after all.
This, although not a surprise, for once comes as a relief.
Here it is, something that he has, that is his, that he has been given: strips of pale blue leather, carefully woven and decorated with an iron charm. Tangible proof of the existence of life after death.
And this, too: he promised Mikazuki his own green-house, and he intends to keep that promise, honoring with the gravity of wedding vows and knightly oaths. He thinks of Mikazuki, surrounded by greenery, of Miss Atra’s laughter and Kudelia’s earnestness, and he thinks that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for a future in which he can have all of that.
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Notes: Haha, it’s been so long I legit had to open up a bunch of wiki pages to look up some stuff. ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
But everything I was too lazy to look up I made up, yay!
I feel like I like this chapter, but I can't honestly tell anymore; I just wanted to get this out, like, pls just let me finish this damn chapter, I promise I will fix it all pretty when I finally post it on AO3—so here it is! I hope it was worth the wait, and as always thank you to everyone who still reads this thing ヾ(•ω•`)o
The fix-it is really heavy in this one and it will only grow stronger, so please forgive my sins keep that in mind. I’m scrubbing everything that goes wrong in the second season off the face of the planet with these last chapters.
(Augh, I don’t want to write Rustal Elion again, why must I suffer for my craft (;′⌒`))
Also, it's really been a year, right? Darn. Happy winter holidays (again) and happy new year (again), keep taking care of yourselves and eat something tasty and maybe pet a cat!
#ibo constellation#gundam ibo#gaelio bauduin#mikazuki augus#the sheep writes#shameless fix-fic#just one more chapter guys!!!
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𝚃̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝙼̷𝚊̷𝚗̷ 𝙾̷𝚏̷ 𝚃̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝙼̷𝚘̷𝚘̷𝚗̷ (𝙼̷𝚡̷𝙼̷/𝙼̷𝚡̷𝚃̷𝙼̷, 𝚁̷𝚘̷𝚖̷𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚌̷𝚎̷, 𝙵̷𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚝̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚢̷, 𝚂̷𝚖̷𝚞̷𝚝̷/𝙽̷𝚂̷𝙵̷𝚆̷)

𝙵̷𝚘̷𝚛̷ 𝚊̷𝚠̷𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚕̷𝚎̷ 𝚗̷𝚘̷𝚠̷, 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷’𝚟̷𝚎̷ 𝚋̷𝚎̷𝚎̷𝚗̷ 𝚜̷𝚎̷𝚎̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚜̷ 𝚘̷𝚍̷𝚍̷ 𝚋̷𝚞̷𝚝̷ 𝚋̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚞̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚏̷𝚞̷𝚕̷ 𝚖̷𝚊̷𝚗̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚛̷ 𝚍̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚖̷𝚜̷.
𝙴̷𝚟̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚢̷ 𝚜̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷𝚕̷𝚎̷ 𝚗̷𝚒̷𝚐̷𝚑̷𝚝̷, 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚑̷𝚊̷𝚍̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚜̷𝚊̷𝚖̷𝚎̷ 𝚍̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚖̷. 𝚈̷𝚘̷𝚞̷’𝚍̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚔̷𝚎̷ 𝚞̷𝚙̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚛̷𝚐̷𝚎̷, 𝚟̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚝̷ 𝚏̷𝚒̷𝚎̷𝚕̷𝚍̷ 𝚘̷𝚏̷ 𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚟̷𝚎̷𝚗̷𝚍̷𝚎̷𝚛̷ 𝚐̷𝚛̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚜̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚊̷𝚝̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚍̷𝚘̷𝚝̷𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚐̷𝚕̷𝚘̷𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚏̷𝚕̷𝚘̷𝚠̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚜̷. 𝚃̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚗̷𝚒̷𝚐̷𝚑̷𝚝̷ 𝚜̷𝚔̷𝚢̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚜̷𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚛̷𝚕̷ 𝚘̷𝚏̷ 𝚙̷𝚞̷𝚛̷𝚙̷𝚕̷𝚎̷𝚜̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚙̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚔̷𝚜̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚋̷𝚕̷𝚞̷𝚎̷𝚜̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚐̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚎̷𝚗̷𝚜̷, 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚜̷𝚝̷𝚊̷𝚛̷𝚜̷ 𝚜̷𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚜̷𝚔̷𝚢̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚏̷𝚞̷𝚕̷𝚕̷ 𝚖̷𝚘̷𝚘̷𝚗̷ 𝚒̷𝚕̷𝚕̷𝚞̷𝚖̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚊̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚏̷𝚒̷𝚎̷𝚕̷𝚍̷.
𝚃̷𝚑̷𝚎̷𝚗̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚖̷.
𝙷̷𝚎̷’𝚍̷ 𝚜̷𝚖̷𝚒̷𝚕̷𝚎̷ 𝚏̷𝚛̷𝚘̷��̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚍̷𝚒̷𝚜̷𝚝̷𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚌̷𝚎̷, 𝚊̷𝚕̷𝚖̷𝚘̷𝚜̷𝚝̷ 𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚢̷𝚎̷𝚝̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚟̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷. 𝙷̷𝚎̷’𝚍̷ 𝚝̷𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚛̷𝚕̷ 𝚊̷𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚢̷ 𝚠̷𝚑̷𝚎̷𝚗̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚝̷𝚛̷𝚒̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚝̷𝚘̷ 𝚊̷𝚙̷𝚙̷𝚛̷𝚘̷𝚊̷𝚌̷𝚑̷ 𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚖̷, 𝚒̷𝚝̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚕̷𝚒̷𝚔̷𝚎̷ 𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚏̷𝚕̷𝚘̷𝚊̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚘̷𝚗̷ 𝚊̷𝚒̷𝚛̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚑̷𝚘̷𝚠̷ 𝚏̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚝̷ 𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷.
𝙷̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚕̷𝚍̷ 𝚕̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚍̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚝̷𝚘̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚛̷𝚐̷𝚎̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚋̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚞̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚏̷𝚞̷𝚕̷ 𝚌̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚝̷𝚕̷𝚎̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚌̷𝚘̷𝚗̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚞̷𝚎̷ 𝚝̷𝚘̷ 𝚛̷𝚞̷𝚗̷ 𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚌̷𝚑̷𝚊̷𝚜̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚖̷. 𝙷̷𝚎̷’𝚍̷ 𝚝̷𝚊̷𝚔̷𝚎̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚝̷𝚘̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚛̷𝚘̷𝚘̷𝚖̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚛̷𝚐̷𝚎̷ 𝚖̷𝚒̷𝚛̷𝚛̷𝚘̷𝚛̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚜̷𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚙̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚜̷𝚒̷𝚍̷𝚎̷, 𝚋̷𝚞̷𝚝̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷’𝚍̷ 𝚜̷𝚞̷𝚍̷𝚍̷𝚎̷𝚗̷𝚕̷𝚢̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚔̷𝚎̷ 𝚞̷𝚙̷ 𝚋̷𝚎̷𝚏̷𝚘̷𝚛̷𝚎̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚌̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚕̷𝚍̷ 𝚏̷𝚘̷𝚕̷𝚕̷𝚘̷𝚠̷.
𝚃̷𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚜̷ 𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚎̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚐̷𝚑̷, 𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚠̷𝚘̷𝚔̷𝚎̷ 𝚞̷𝚙̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚏̷𝚒̷𝚎̷𝚕̷𝚍̷, 𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚊̷𝚜̷ 𝚜̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚐̷ 𝚛̷𝚒̷𝚐̷𝚑̷𝚝̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷ 𝚏̷𝚛̷𝚘̷𝚗̷𝚝̷ 𝚘̷𝚏̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚊̷ 𝚙̷𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚒̷𝚌̷𝚔̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚎̷𝚡̷𝚙̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚜̷𝚜̷𝚒̷𝚘̷𝚗̷.
𝙸̷𝚏̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷’𝚛̷𝚎̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚜̷𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷’𝚟̷𝚎̷ 𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚊̷𝚍̷ 𝚖̷𝚢̷ 𝙶̷𝚘̷𝚘̷𝚐̷𝚕̷𝚎̷ 𝙳̷𝚘̷𝚌̷ 𝚘̷𝚛̷ 𝚙̷𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚗̷𝚎̷𝚍̷ 𝚙̷𝚘̷𝚜̷𝚝̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚊̷𝚕̷𝚕̷ 𝚖̷𝚢̷ 𝚒̷𝚗̷𝚏̷𝚘̷, 𝚏̷𝚎̷𝚎̷𝚕̷ 𝚏̷𝚛̷𝚎̷𝚎̷ 𝚝̷𝚘̷ 𝙳̷𝙼̷ 𝚖̷𝚎̷ 𝚑̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚎̷ 𝚘̷𝚛̷ 𝚘̷𝚗̷ 𝚍̷𝚒̷𝚜̷𝚌̷𝚘̷𝚛̷𝚍̷ 𝚊̷𝚝̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚠̷𝚘̷𝚕̷𝚏̷ _𝚕̷𝚒̷𝚔̷𝚎̷_𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚖̷𝚋̷

#the sheep writes#roleplay#rp search#roleplay partner wanted#roleplay partner search#roleplay prompts#romance#fantasy#human x monster#mxm#mxm rp#oc x oc rp#long term rp#literate rp
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“I lied and said I was busy.
I was busy;
but not in a way most people understand.
I was busy taking deeper breaths.
I was busy silencing irrational thoughts.
I was busy calming a racing heart.
I was busy telling myself I am okay.
Sometimes, this is my busy -
and I will not apologize for it.”

- Brittin Oakman
- Artwork : Sivan.ka
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Zhongli who just can't have enough of you

Zhongli who eats you out while you sleep or fucking your thighs because how can he not
Zhongli who fucks you on every surface in the house claiming he wants you to make a mess on everything
Zhongli who uses his tail to hold you down and ruts into you harder
Zhongli who orders you to get off on his tail while he work
Zhongli who orders his slutty bratty cockwhore to play with yourself with the geo construct
Zhongli who manhandles you into a mean mating press while also giving your pussy a couple slaps for being so horny and wet for him
Zhongli who fucks his cum and eggs into you until you're mindless from pleasure
Zhongli who when riled up will fuck you until you're begging for forgiveness for riling him up
Zhongli who is only encouraged by your begging fucks you even harder, faster until you pass out only to be awaken by him still fucking your oversensitive body
Zhongli who cares for you after such an intense session together whispering sweet praises and words of love in your ear
Zhongli who prepares a bath and food for you to eat and recover even massaging your sore oversensitive body just don't mind him giving your pussy a few playful licks
Zhongli who makes sure you're well taken care of before drifting into the land of dreams with you embracing your body close to his
Zhongli who may or may not slip his cocks in your pussy in the middle of the night just to be even closer to you, to feel you and if you're up for it in the morning slow lazy cuddle fucking
@crystalflygeo @meimeimeirin @silentmoths @ainescribe @zhxngii @moraxsthrone
#🐏sheep work🐏#🐏sheepy work🐏#🐏sheepy writes🐏#zhongli x reader#zhongli smut#zhongli x reader smut#genshin smut#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact smut#genshin imagines#genshin x reader#just had to post my brainrot from the sisterwives server bc it's too good#more sisterwives seever brainrot coming#i want him so bad#i want his cock#this i want this
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You are a sheep.
You have been in the form of a sheep ever since you came to the Devildom. It can be quite inconvenient at times, but life finds a way.
This particular morning, you were awoken in the early hours of the morning by an odd murmur. It was impossible to gauge the time, given the Devildom's eternal night, but something instinctual told you it was too early for whatever nonsense was about to happen.
Fighting your heavy eyelids, you turned your head. Seven demons were sitting on the floor beside your bed, staring at you.
"You're awake!" Leviathan proclaimed.
"I told you the noise would wake them," Lucifer sighed.
"We were being quiet, though," Belphegor remarked.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Asmodeus greeted you.
"Shut it! It's happenin'!" Mammon caused the room to go silent again.
If you've learned anything in the Devildom, it's that even sheep deserve privacy. You dragged yourself into a sitting position and bleated, "what's happening?"
"We're checking the weather," Satan informed you.
"It's a tradition of sorts," Beelzebub explained.
"Can't you do that... literally anywhere else?" The second half of your question got obscured by a yawn, but you were sure you made your point. "What time even is it?"
"It's 6:03," Leviathan said.
"In the morning? Are you guys kidding me?"
As you sighed a grumpy sigh and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, Satan called your name.
"Have you checked your shadow?" he asked.
"Huh? What do you mean, checked it?"
"Did you see it?" Belphegor asked.
"My shadow?" There was hardly any light, let alone light strong enough to cast a shadow on your bed. You twisted your neck to look around. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
"No shadow!" Mammon exclaimed, so loud you almost fell over again.
Lucifer nodded his head, hand placed thoughtfully on chin. "Spring will likely come early this year. I'll inform Diavolo."
Asmodeus launched himself at your spot on the bed. Before you could stop him, he had you lifted in the air. "You're the best!"
Everybody clapped. Leviathan was going on about "the springtime of youth" finally arriving, while Beelzebub said they'd all have to get hot pot one last time before it went out of season. Important context about what just happened was clearly missing, but you've learned that sometimes you need to just go with the flow.
You dangled ragdoll-style from Asmodeus' hands while he did a little dance and wondered if they'd all let you go back to sleep.
You know they won't. Happy Groundhog Day! Looks like irl we've got 6 more weeks of winter.
#i churned this out in... 25 minutes? no proofreading no research only the spirit of phil to guide us lets go#obey me#obey me!#omswd#obey me shall we date#obey me scenarios#obey me x mc#obey me crack#obey me drabble#obey me writing#obey me fanfic#obey me brothers#obey me mc#sheep mc#obey me fanfiction#obey me fandom
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Gem knows that saving the camel gives her no advantage in the game.
Actually, the camel is an active risk.
People go after what you value most, after all. Cleo thought she had done it, when she burned Gem's barn and watchtower. Jimmy used Lizzie to kill Joel and blew up The Car in a previous attempt.
Caring for things, caring for people... it made you vunerable. Made you weak.
Gem wasn't weak. Far from it.
But she still went out of her way to save the camel.
Gem's Camel, she wrote in the nametag. Not someone else's, not something she had to share. Hers.
The camel nuzzled her with its snout, almost as if it knew that if she didn't name it, it would die. Like it was grateful she claimed it for herself.
"You saved it?" Joel asked, when Gem guided the camel into her barn. Not outside, in the pen like the cows. Inside, where Gem herself lived "Of all things, you saved a camel?"
"I find camels delightful, Joel." she petted its neck, golden fur soft to her touch.
"I thought you would hate them. You know. After..." Joel trailed off, gesturing vaguely.
Gem understood what he was trying to say. She should hate them after Pearl, after the 2v1.
"Tango called it the Murder Camel 2.0." She offered instead.
"Of course he did." Joel rolled his eyes "Rumor has it you and Pearl rode together again."
"She got on my camel. Against my will, Joel." Gem scoffed "Not my fault she is obssessed with me."
Joel raised an eyebrow at her.
"And Pearl wasn't even the first one to ride the camel with me. It was Etho." Gem looked back at her camel and scratched behind its ears.
"Yeah, well. Camels are pretty much a you two thing, no?"
"Me and Pearl don't have a thing!"
"You might have to tell Pearl that, then." Joel teased, turning his head to the general direction of the Gs base, in the opposite side of the map "She seems awfully insistent on getting everyone on a camel and showing off to you."
Gem scowls and refuses to say anything back.
The thing is, its easy to look everyone in the eyes and proclaim she hates Pearl. So, so easy.
Especially because it is easier than admiting the truth. Saying she hates Pearl is easier than saying she misses her. That Gem still loves her, even after everything.
And isn't that just the worst? Loving someone down to red when they would throw all you thought you had when there are eyes on you?
Gem's camel shakes her hand off it, grunting. She hadn't realized it then, but her nails had been digging into its fur.
#sheep writes#geminitay#pearlescentmoon#gempearl#pearlgem#shiny duo#joel smallishbeans#traffic series#wild life#wild life smp#wild life spoilers
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Yandere farm x farmhand reader 🌾
A/n: this contains few nsfw mentions, mdni please! They're not all that yandere, just a bunch of dumb silly hybrids trying to catch their favorite humans attention. This is their intro
★yandere farm x farmhand reader. I know this isn't original, but I always love the concept. Just minding your business, sweaty and hot from the sun, when suddenly a certain German Shepard hybrid starts sniffing you up and down, lapping up your sweaty skin and grinning when you swat him away. How did you end up here?
★maybe you came here for a summer job, maybe some relatives owned the farm, maybe you were always working here. Either way, it doesn't take long for the hybrids to notice you once you arrive.
★the bulls and cows watching curiously from the fields, the centaurs trying to peek from their stables, the merfolk living in the lake just down the property poke their little heads out. The dogs barking from their Little homes, and the cats watching from the windows. You couldn't help but gawk at the variety of hybrids, there were so many! Merfolk, avians, cattle, cats, dogs.
★your first week there was nice, the other farmhands were nice, and the owners were so sweet! Always speaking fondly of their pets, the old couple would watch them run in the field or play by the lake. You yourself found them a little annoying. Always sniffing, grabbing, nipping at your clothes. You've had to fight your overall bottoms free from one of the pooches one too many times. The cats were no better.
★your second week you meet the cattle and centaurs. And unlike the house cats and guard dogs, they're less handsy. Simply observing from afar. Occasionally sniffing you before nodding their heads and pulling away. Letting you do your job of combing, cleaning and fixing up them and their stables. The cattle would happily let you milk them, applying the breast pumps to the females and a cock pump to the males. You ignored how they looked at you strangely during milkings
★the third week you meet the avians. Odd little bunch, hopping around and puffing up their chests. They watched you enter their enclosure curiously, you were busy picking up their molten feathers because you thought they were pretty. So bright and colorful! Walking around bent over a little when you finally notice the peacock male standing right Infront of you. He gave you a pointed look before his tail feathers expanded. Looking prideful, tilting his chin up as if in an arrogant way. Swaying side to side and closer to you, while you just held the feathers in your hands, a little confused. He got closer until he let out an incredibly loud squawk. Turning around abruptly to glare at the cuckoo who bent down to poke his butt. The cuckoo gave you a grin before climbing back up the tree, using this time as distraction, you quickly escaped.
★on the fourth week, you meet the merfolk. Having been here a month, they were eager to meet you. Watching you walk on the dock with fish feed, eagerly Perking up and swimming closer. You shook out a good handful and chucked it out for the koi fish to eat. They swarmed the area until all the food was gone, simply staring up at you. One poked her head out, tilting it a bit and making a 'click' sound with her tongue. You mimicked her, doing the same. She seemed elated, making various whistles and clicks, splashing up and down the lake. The lake was manmade and filled with koi fish when it was finished, but then again there may be more fish not even the owners know about since it was so deep. How'd they get in there? You're not sure, but you just know it.
★on the fifth week your owners told you about how they had bought multiple sheep, and goats. One male for each group. Watching the loading truck approach the little barn they were finished building. So that's why it was there, they started construction when you arrived the first week. You helped the other farmhands get them situated, at first they were rowdy and a little aggressive but for some reason calmed down when you approached them. Your colleagues now called you the sheep whisperer. You quickly learned how to shave their wool and milk the goats properly. Sometimes braiding their long hair, you just wish the ram would stop headbutting the nearest male colleague for your attention.
★On your sixth week, you went for a walk in the forest when suddenly a little body of fluffy fur tackled you, growling with it's teeth barred. You looked up to see a Pomeranian hybrid, trying it's best to look intimidating. Their fluffy tail gave them away, it was wagging 100mph. They visibly deflated when you reached up a hand to pet them, letting you for A couple minutes before getting off. Walking back into the woods towards three wolves. Dissapearing with them. Not soon after you found a friendly garden naga. Just lounging on a rock and enjoying the sun. You asked to join and they let you, laying there for a good while until you had to go back to the farm. Noticing they had wrapped their tail around you, oh boy. It'll take a good while to get out. Welp, might as well make yourself comfortable and wait for the dogs to come find you
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Week one, cats and dogs;
Brutus, dog hybrid, 18, German Shepard, he/him
Dolly, dog hybrid, 26, doberman, she/her
bladviba, dog hybrid, 25, black Russian terrier, he/him
Molly, dog hybrid, 17, chow chow, she/her
Sweet pea, dog hybrid, 17, samoyed, they/them amab
bubba, dog hybrid, 37, borzoi, he/him
Princess, cat hybrid, 18, ragdoll, she/her
Prince, cat hybrid, 19, Norwegian forest cat, he/him
King, cat hybrid, 27, Khao manee, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Second week, cattle and centaurs;
Miss bené, cow hybrid, 49, white park cattle, she/her
Miss blackberry, cow hybrid, 22, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Polly, cow hybrid, 26, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss frufru, cow hybrid, 28, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Miss Vivian, cow hybrid, 35, Aberdeen Angus, she/her
Big daddy, bull hybrid, 52, Aberdeen Angus, he/him
Johnny, bull hybrid, 18, Aberdeen Angus/white park cattle, he/him
Jacqueline, centaur, 19, shire horse, she/her
Timothy, centaur, 21, galineers cob, he/him
maya, centaur, 17, fjord horse, they/them
Casper, centaur, 23, ardennais, he/him
miguel, centaur, 18, Andalusian horse, he/him
harmony, centaur, 25, Breton horse, they/them
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
third week, avians;
Sydney, avian, 22, cockatoo, they/he
Evangeline, avian, 19, peacock, she/her
Gabriel, avian, 20, peacock, he/him
fajarah, avian, 24, indian ring necked parakeet, she/her
Foolish, avian, 26, owl finch, he/him
simon, avian, 28, tyto alba, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Fourth week, merfok;
tancho, koi fish merfolk, 19, tancho koi, he/him
kiko, koi fish merfolk, 19, kikokuryu koi, she/her
hime, koi fish merfolk, 19, hirenaga koi, she/her
Tsu, koi fish merfolk, 19, doitsu koi, they/them
koromo, koi fish merfolk, 19, koromo koi, he/him
Mason, lake 'monster' (crocodile), 20, freshwater crocodile, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Fifth week, goats and sheep;
Sally, goat, 25, angora goat, she/her
Opal, goat, 24, Tennessee fainting goat, she/her
Sasha, goat, 26, australian cashmere goat, she/her
kim, ram, 23, dutch landrace goat, he/him
Poka, sheep, 19, Valais black nose, they/them
Juniper, sheep, Valais black nose, she/her
violet, sheep, 18, harri, she/her
azucar, sheep, 17, Columbia sheep, she/her
Wehrner, ram, 21, American black belly, he/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Sixth week, the forest creatures:
roxy, wolf hybrid, 19, grey wolf, she/her
Silas, wolf hybrid, 21, grey wolf, he/him
Milo, wolf hybrid, 20, albino Grey wolf, they/them
Kiki, dog hybrid, 18, Pomeranian, they/them
Coachella, naga, 27, garden snake, they/him
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
#Yandere farm x reader#Yandere x reader#Poly yanderes#Yandere hybrids x reader#Yandere dog hybrid#Yandere cat hybrid#Yandere centaur#Yandere cow hybrid#Yandere bull hybrid#Yandere sheep hybrid#Yandere goat hybrid#Yandere merfolk#Yandere wolf pack#Yandere naga#Male yandere#Female yandere#Non-binary yandere#X reader#Yandere x you#yandere imagines#yandere scenarios#yandere headcanons#yandere fic#yandere x darling#Mild smut#Queenie ocs#Queenie writes
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Cw: hybrids, blood, mentions of getting sheared lol. I included a picture of an animal with blood on it, but the animal is NOT injured.
Ngl I’ve been really into @moondirti ‘s sheep girl AU and I just remembered the existence of anti-wolf collars and uhhhhhh…. Thinking about a hybrid AU where sheep!reader is in a flock guarded by Pyrenees!König. This could work with so many of them, but I thought of him first.

He wears the traditional collar to defend him from wolves. He fights them off to keep you safe. You were the runt of your lambkin, back when he was still just being trained, and he bonded to you right away.
He follows you everywhere. Chases you anywhere. Hates that he gets worried sick when you curiously wander off.
He’s ended the lives of more predators than he can count. He tries his best not to do it in front of you. But you’ve seen it once or twice. He’s come sprinting when you’ve bleated out for him— a ways from the rest of the flock and being advanced upon by a lone wolf. It tried to tear him apart by the neck, but the collar protected him. You were found by the Shepard, pressed close to his body while his fur dripped with still-warm blood.

His heart and cock ache at the sight of you. He knows he isn’t supposed to feel this way— sheep and their guard dog often bond very closely, but not as close as you have. Despite your size, you’re a very pretty, prized thing. Your wool grows quick and full, the crimping dense and curly, with a lustrous sheen. (Uhm not to be size kink on main but maybe she’s a babydoll sheep heeheehee). You’re not just common stock— the owners will want you bred and full of lambs of your own come spring. They’ll pick out their best ram— maybe even one from another ranch— just for you. He can already see how the rams in the flock nuzzle and huff at you affectionately— a preamble to how they’ll lock horns over you once the breeding season starts proper. König puzzlingly replicates some of this behavior, maybe even unconsciously— he just yearns so deeply to be close to you.
He watches with great interest when you’re sheared. Your lanolin stems your bleeding before it can begin when you get nicked, but he licks the wound anyways. Keeps you curled with him when the wind is blowing fierce in the valley and you don’t have the wool to keep you warm.
He struggles deeply with his sense of duty. You’re a thing of value to the humans. He was born to keep you pristine and safe so they could do with you as they pleased. But he can see and hear— the way you wrinkle your nose and bleat with discomfort when being crowded by the rams. You never do that with him.
He’s only ever known loyalty. He was given a purpose from the moment he could stand a bark, and it isn’t something he takes lightly. But he’s starting to think he’d throw it all away if you only wanted him to.
There’s something about you that makes him wish more than anything that he’d been born a selfish, greedy beast instead of a noble one.
#uhm#nobody look at me#writing#cod fanfic#könig x you#könig x reader#könig#hybrid au#hybrids#sheep!reader#dog!könig#cw blood
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Sheep MC has taken over my brain lately. What do you mean there's an otome game where you live with the most powerful demons that have ever existed and also you're an adorable tiny fluffy pink sheep. You make them carry you everywhere and put you in a high chair at the dinner table because their prince told them they had to be nice to you. That's fucking hilarious.
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Yeah sorry I drew this.
Hope you feel better soon ♡
#Aaaaaaaa#he looks like some sort of gangly baby sheep#does his ma not feed him#instantly wormified the man by putting a tube scarf over his ears#the pathetic little tail is what gets me#it's character accurate like his tail isn't supposed to be something to write home about but here it's just extra meager#big wet eyes#sock creature#leggy varmint#thank you this in fact made me feel better#gift art#arttsuka#own characters#Machete#personally I might've switched the onesie color to his usual orangish scarlet but hot pink is a bold choice too#he looks like a Barbie pet dog minus all the glamour
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really really loved the john b drabble, it’s like ur in my brain xoxo — but i wanna know what ur readers got for xmas!! hope u had a good one <3
: 🧸
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 bambi!reader:
a hefty barnes & nobles giftcard, calico critter sets, a fawn patterned throw blanket, lace lingerie tops, brown mascara, rilakkuma blind boxes (bakery keychains), a handmade dollhouse for her little trinkets to live in, and an apple pencil so she could start sketching on her ipad
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 sheep!reader:
babydoll dresses + stockings and frilly socks, vintage barbie dolls, poodle figurines for her vanity, vinyls for her record player, old beauty magazines, hair rollers, ‘marie antoinette’ on dvd so she can watch it whenever she wants, rose scented candles, and some yarn for crocheting
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 latina!kook!reader:
lots of chunky jewelry, cruise tickets, some embellished dresses she’s had her eyes on, lace-up floral heels, shimmery eyeshadow palette, a pair of sunglasses, some stuff from kali uchis’s ‘homebody’ line, bikini sets for weekssss, and pink tory burch sandals
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 bitchy!kook!reader:
chrome hearts wallet (in both pink and black), dior heels, black chanel bag, customized chain, black fur coat, leopard print undies + bra, some wildflower phone cases, black silk pj’s, dior lippies, she definitely got some makeup pr, fancy furniture (she spoils herself too ofc)
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 bitchy!pogue!reader:
she’s been begging so she finally gets a pole installed in her room, bedazzled platform heels, playboy bunny necklace + matching bracelet and anklet, juicy couture baby tees, victoria’s secrets sparkly lipgloss, glittery makeup bag, fuzzy slippers, pink rolling papers and a little something something from dealer!rafe
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 kook!sweetheart!reader:
lots of scrapbooking material, pink ugg boots, new hair curler + flat iron, chanel hair accessories, new digital camera, vintage chanel heels, her favorite foreign chocolates, swarvoski rings, new bed sheet set + comforters, dainty tea cup set, a few skirts, bath bombs and shower gels
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 farmer’s!daughter!reader:
a new hat, boots with flowers embroidered on the sides, bootcut jeans, a belt buckle to add to her collection, an old doll that she thought she lost, pig plushie, baby chickies, quilted blanket that was made just for her, cherry chapstick + red nail polish, and a new lana del rey vinyl
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 pogue!sweetheart!reader:
a new mixing machine, cutesy cookware + more baking dishes, customized apron, cupcake stickers, some added upgrades to her bakery, two new pairs of kitten heels, a charm bracelet full of goodies, pink lingerie sets, decoden picture frame, and some customized press on nails since she can’t wear long nails consistently
#𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ misc#i’m so happy you loved the drabble bb i love writing it <3#૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა 🧸 anon#₊˚⊹♡ bambi!reader#₊˚⊹♡ sheep!reader#₊˚⊹♡ latina!kook!reader#₊˚⊹♡ bitchy!kook!reader#₊˚⊹♡ bitchy!pogue!reader#₊˚⊹♡ kook!sweetheart!reader#₊˚⊹♡ farmer’s!daughter!reader#₊˚⊹♡ pogue!sweetheart!reader#outer banks#obx#rafe obx#rafe cameron#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron x reader#drew starkey
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edit: finally finished The Thing I Was Busy With and updates are currently ongoing!!
sorry about the lack of updates, i'm working on a irl project that i need to finish before my poor laptop crumbles to dust, so right now everything i've written lately is, you know, handwritten crumbs of drafts that i'm going to cry about when it's finally time to clean them up
but! i am almost, almost, done with said project, and since i failed horribly my new year's resolution of uploading one (1) thing per month (ambitious, i know), i decided i would simply upload/update 12 whichever-things before the year's end
this of course means that most of it is going to be bad, as in quality, and also quantity of words bc i need to tap my vast reserves of wips and that's a lot of minifics and orphan scribbles with no plot or a proper ending, sorry o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ
still, twelve things! at least that's the plan; and since i've abandoned you for pretty much this whole year, below are some snippets
first, let's start with some stuff i do actually care about so there will be some effort here:
1) a constellation of blood drops IT'S HERE!
Gaelio has already played the zealot before Rustal Elion, it should hardly be a difficult thing to play such role again. If the object of his zealotry has shifted just enough to align with Elion's own interest, no doubt twisted by the very real flaws of the organization he was, oh, so willing to worship before, and how it had only proven to fall short of his expectations after his, oh, so harrowing experiences while undercover—well, people are always willing to see what they want to see. Gaelio won't be even lying, really.
it makes me happy whenever i see someone like or reblog this thing bc it's just one of my favorite self-indulgent whims
2) Start, From Minus ON AO3!
Emilia took it upon herself to arrange their little detour to Margrave Mathers’ Mansion; but really, she needn’t have bothered. Cecilius had little to no problem waltzing right past the security of any place regardless of invitation, and the only thing currently preventing him from doing that was Subaru. Exhibit A: if Subaru hadn’t crash-landed into his life, there was a very good chance that at some point he would have crossed the border between the Empire and the Kingdom to demand a rematch from Reinhard, and he probably would have succeeded out of sheer stubbornness, the crazy bastard.
yes, finally! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
3) with all the pieces of the broken-hearted ON AO3!
The whole situation is absolute crap because Subaru is not, and has not been for quite some time, some dissatisfied, edgy teen craving fame and attention and maybe a harem in some other world more interesting than regular, boring Planet Earth. He’s very much been there, done that, gotten over it, so this whole thing is at least ten years too late and happening at the very worst moment possible. Maybe second-worst, but only just.
i don't like the sloth if for many reasons, but it gave me the canon hilarity of subaru having dilf potential and i am choosing to make this everyone's problem
4) just a little bit of blood in your hands ON AO3!
His door has seven bolts, huge and heavy and all on the outside. The only safety his room offers is that no one would dare to cross the one who owns the keys to those locks. Subaru is a treasured possession, but a possession nonetheless.
new re:zero thing!
things that are going to be rushed or just make me go 'whatever, i just don't want to look at this wip anymore':
5) these brilliant-hued hibiscus ON AO3!
Atsushi mows through everything the festival has to offer in terms of food. Tanizaki feeds him hot takoyaki, dripping with sauce, a chocobanana with sprinkles, sweet-bean taiyakis for good luck, sticks of yakitori, sticky and pastel pink cotton candy, shaved ice and even candy apples, shining under the festival lights. Between him and Ranpo, he’s sure they’ll make all the food-stalls generate at least some profit.
this is another super indulgent minific collection to the surprise of no one
8) (we’ve gone) to the dogs
His life ends with a bullet between his eyes, no hope for Yosano to do anything at all. Just a bang and then darkness; a shimmering instant of relief before he opens his eyes again in a place and time that hadn’t been his for years. And that’s where it all begins (again).
i am cheating a little bit here, bc i posted a snippet here back in the day that i decided could be part of yet another minific-oneshot collection, which is my jam
7) A Superscription ON AO3!
Ren’s mouth twists to the side, a facsimile of a smile so empty it’s like being back in the interrogation room all over again.
I have a bunch of P5 minifics written, but I'm happy with none of them, so I'll probably wait until november or something so I have an excuse to chuck them in bulk at you and this is one
some indeterminate stuff I will have to scramble to put together:
8) remember me (but forget my fate) ON AO3!
Something for Lout of the Count's family to celebrate the official translation! It's probably going to be either crack or a fairy tale retelling, I'm afraid
Ok, so it's not crack (exactly), and it's definitely not a fairy tale either (although now I do have WIPs for both of those things), but at least it's something and it's UP!!
9) The Souls of Starfishes
They’ve gotten better at not flinching whenever they hear the name, but they’ve never quite managed to stomp out the hope that inevitably rises in them whenever they do. ‘Hajime’, it echoes with the beat of their hearts, discordant as they may be.
Normal Me and Abnormal Friends is one of my favorite android visual novels ever, and I really, really want to finally upload something for it
and lastly, things that are mostly finished, but never got around seeing the light of day bc i forgot or lost interest or cringe whenever i think about them (sorry):
10) To Have and To Hoard ON AO3!
What Subaru knew: Subaru had died around the same time in the last five or six loops. What had happened: The time when Subaru was supposed to die had come and gone and Subaru was, against all odds, still alive. Conclusion: Subaru had screwed something up, pun somewhat intended.
the very first reinhard/subaru plot i came up with and the worst one, too. i just don't want to have its ghost haunting me anymore :/
11) brittle branches ON AO3!!
What could Victor hope to do faced with the depth of such love? A love that Yuuri had chosen to hold on to, to fight for, to cherish and protect and all things Victor wished to do for him, before either of them were even aware of the other’s existence. Sometimes life is just not fair. Victor never even had a chance.
also cheating a little bit with this one, bc it's done and i posted here in tumblr a lifetime ago, but i guess i'll finally post it on ao3 with the little added coda i never got around writing before the movie got canned o(TヘTo)
12) our wishes are the right lure ON AO3!!
You wake up in a subway car. This isn’t super strange. Except you don’t remember getting on a subway, or falling asleep. And this interior, for all you have rode on the subway before, is very unfamiliar. It is for starters, absurdly clean. Suspicious.
ugh. alright. look, a couple of years ago, when i was in my all time PLA high playing pokemon masters ex, i said 'if i get this character in the gacha i will write a reader-insert', and i did get the character, and i did write the reader-inser, but it's just so silly. i am going to have to write another reader-insert at some point just so this is not the one associated with me, probably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so yeah, so far this is the plan. i'm also working on second chances (derogatory), but i've mostly finished the latter chapters, bc those were fun, and i decided to put it on hold until i get my hands on P3 Reload, sorry. there's also a minific AU collection but i don't have a lot yet, just concepts, AND my attempt at a New Game+ fic that's also on hold until i play Reload, sorry.
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~ a little something about you and Dazai working together... or at least trying to ~
"Hold still! God, you really need to be more careful, Dazai, I worr-"
He blinks, and tilts his head, his voice soft yet firm as you both sit on the agency's couch.
"Would you mind looking at me real quick?"
You glance up from disinfecting his wound, and hum.
"Mm, why?"
He sighs, and when he speaks his voice comes out dramatic yet tantalizing, the way he always makes it sound when he knows he's about to say something silly. Something you'll hopefully scold him for! Yum...
"Oh, no reason... Just wanted a little kiss before I inevitably die in your loving embrace~"
You roll your eyes and groan, it makes his stomach do flips. There it is, that adorable shade of pink he loves so much! It matches the one you had on in bed this morning, but that's too naughty to think about now... Dazai hears the way your voice is significantly less strict, and he knows he has you. When does he not?
"Not now, Dazai-"
He interrupts, pouting as he reaches over and twists a lock of your hair in between his slender fingers, twirling it mindlessly while you mend his wound. He gives you a melting expression as his eyes droop enough for you to have no choice but to notice his despair as he whines.
"Mmm, why do you always only call me Dazai when we're at work?"
You sigh as you gently finish dressing his wounds, the fresh bandage mingling with his older ones... He makes a mental note to have you change those later too.
Anything to keep your hands all over him. Desiring him. Always in sight, always on the mind.
"Because we're at work... we're professionals, remember?"
That silly little comment makes him scoff.
"Hmph. Well, everyone knows..."
"Know what?"
"That you and I kiss in the supply closet sometim-"
You fling yourself against his chest and clamp his mouth shut, cheeks burning redder than a tomato. He licks the inside of your palm, causing you to immediately yank your hand away with a small squeak. You can't hold back the way your lips curl into an embarrassed smile as you hiss, and it makes him almost froth at the mouth... Trying to relearn decency is hard when he's this close to you.
"Professionals, Dazai!"
"... We should kiss" He blurts out, face smug.
"But it huuurtssss!" He's desperate now, resorting to the lowest of the lows so you'll accomodate him against all wishes, not like he has any shame left. He dramatically points at his wrapped up wrist, and slumps back onto the couch as he deflates into deadweight.
Your face softens and you look down, sighing in resignation that your boyfriend might just be a total baby FREAK. His pupils turn into hearts when you speak to him in the way he wants you to.
"Where does it hurt?"
"Who are you referring to?"
He smirks devilishly, and shrugs, feigning ignorance as he looks off to the side, arms crossed. You slowly start to get it, and crack a smirk. You exhale, shaking your head as you give him what he covets for.
"... Where does it hurt, Osamu?"
There it is, the magic word. By the time you're done asking that he's already crawled ontop of you, cornering you on the small loveseat and caging you in between his slender frame. Dazai takes your hand in his, and intertwines your fingers together as he nuzzles your cheek with his nose. His voice is soft, gentle, and talks you through it, just how he did this morning.
"Mmm, I'm not sure anymore... Let's find out together"
Your breath hitches, and you become bashful under him. He looks at you with narrowed eyes, knowing what it does to you, but more importantly what it does to his sick little mind. Leave it to Dazai to turn playful banter into something that will surely leave the two of you a mess... Hopefully you a little more than him. You whisper, a little breathless.
"Oh, now you're just baiting me, huh..."
"Well if I'm bait, then you're biting."
He whispers back, as if sucking the very life force out of you with his eye contact alone. This is how he wins, how he secures heaven for himself every single day, selfishly. He's not hiding anything in his expressions. He wants you for him, and no one else.
You really never stood a chance.
#im sick in the head huh#it's like i start to write a normal little concept.... and it becomes a monster#freak needy clingy obsessive dazai eats me alive!!!!!!!#dazai is so wolf in sheeps clothing flirty but will escalate things the second u get even remotely flustered#he likes to provoke u just for the punishment hehehe#slightly suggestive??? oops#dazai x reader#bungou stray dogs#bsd dazai#dazai x you#osamu dazai#osamu dazai x reader#bsd x reader#dazai imagines#it's dangerous how much this isn't proofread im srry#everything he does is out of reinforcement that U BELONG TO EACH OTHER#dazai fluff#fanfic#dazai osamu
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The longer I play Obey Me, the more I feel like Obey Me is a story about how the MC, in their quest to seek acceptance by the people they care about, ends up destroying themselves in the process and losing the very thing that made them so special and loved in the first place.
In the beginning of OG, they started off as just a normal human who got whisked away to a weird ass world where literally nobody respects them. Despite this, they recognised from the beginning that these demons and angels were not so different from humans. MC's ability to see the demons as actual people and not just beings controlled by their sins was what allowed them to form close bonds with them. They had good intentions to reunite the demon brothers who had undergone centuries of misunderstanding, resentment, and pent up grief. Even though they were excessively nosy, MC's unique position as a complete outsider allowed them to see just how much love the demon brothers had for each other, and how they can become closer if everybody would just better communicate with each other. Serving as the bridge to better improve the brothers' relationships was what convinced the demon brothers to also see MC as a member of their family.
But as the MC became more involved in the Devildom's problems, they started to adopt the same toxic traits that had created wedges between the brothers in the first place. From relying heavily on their pacts to subdue the brothers, to allowing a curse to control Barbatos (even though they had the ability to break it), to going along with the brothers' manipulative scheme to trick Satan into reconciling with Lucifer when Satan ran away to the human world -- it's almost like MC has unconsciously picked up on some of their loved ones' behaviour. Gone are the days where MC brings in a new perspective to problems. Now, they just embrace the chaos and their more darker traits, for that is what is expected of them to survive in the Devildom. And since everyone within their circle puts them on a pedestal, this further affirms to the MC that this is how they should be.
Dealing with the affairs of the Devildom had also caused the MC to grow more apathetic. In the beginning, they had been actively taking steps to form pacts with the brothers and were generally very invested in freeing Belphie from the attic. They remained true to themselves and insisted that they form a pact with Satan based on mutual trust and understanding, and not just as a means to smite Lucifer. Despite being in a helpless situation, MC never refused to give up their agency. But the longer MC gets involved with these shenanigans, the more they grew... numb to everything.
Solomon bringing me back to the Devildom unannounced? Oh, sure. Diavolo and Solomon hiding the reasons for my sudden return? Not my problem.
Simeon facing a problem to the point of having a quarter of the cast acting as his bodyguards? Eh, I'll just ignore it until I can't anymore.
Watching and waiting. That's what they have resorted to doing.
And that mindset of kicking problems down the line until it lands on MC's doorstep and they have no choice but to act -- that's exactly how they have been acting when they were stuck in NB, hasn't it? MC didn't bother forming pacts with the past version of the brothers until they were given an ultimatum, and even then, they simply relied on the convenient timing of each brother struggling with an inner crisis to swoop in, resolve the situation and tick them off their checklist.
MC in NB seems like an unfortunate culmination of everything they faced so far. They're too apathetic to care about getting sent to an unfamiliar place once again, too desensitised to life in the Devildom to reclaim their agency, and too desperate to earn the love of their former family to even think about anything else. They became so co-dependent to the demon brothers that they seem to think they cannot live without them or their affection, even if the ones they are living with in the past are different people from the ones they grew to love in the present.
The phrase "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" fits way too perfectly for the Obey Me MC. After all, MC keeps getting rewarded every time they try to get themselves killed (or even when they actually got killed). Maybe that's the only way they know how to resolve problems.
So if they can't die as the hero, they'll just learn to live as the villain.
#man ppl are writing analyses for the main LIs of the game and here I am waxing poetics about a blank-slate sheep#i am not the target audience for this game lmao#absolutely normal behaviour#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me spoilers#obey me mc#obey me analysis#LONG#db rambles#db vault
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Morax takes what he wants
Morax who's mean and rough just treats you like a fuckslut, a cumdump for his pleasure he will degrade and praise you for being a good cockwhore taking his cocks down your throat facefucking you until he satisfied
Morax will not stop even if you beg him to, he'll just keep rutting his hips into you pushing you pass your limits and bounds of overstimulation
Morax loves it when you make a mess for him likes to spit on your pussy and leave a couple slaps too
Morax who takes all your hole at once his cocks in each hole while his fingers is in your mouth
Morax is an absolute mean dom but that's not to say he won't give you the best aftercare you deserve
@moraxsthrone @crystalflygeo @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @zhxngii @kurikurikurisu
#🐏sheep work🐏#🐏sheepy writes🐏#🐏sheepy work🐏#morax x reader#morax x reader smut#zhongli#zhongli x reader smut#zhongli x reader#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin smut#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact smut#genshin imagines#zhongli smut#rex lapis#rex lapis x reader#morax smut
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Here is Laia from the new dimension on Eclipse and Puppet Show. Because Sunlight mentioned that he only likes men, she will become Eclipse's partner. This dimension is not a fully genderswap, so Laia stays a woman. And she doesn't have the strength update, she has normal animatronic like strength.
Laia was the mascot of the candy shop Sugarcoat, but when the old owner AND his wife died, the son didn't want to take over the shop and planed to get the shop demolished and build something else. He was also planing to decommission Laia, because this one hates animatronics. Laia heard this when the son was on the phone and with broken heart she planed her escape. She was very scared, she wanted to live.
The shop didn't close right away it was open for a few months so Laia had some time. But the son was starting to get violent and hurt Laia almost every day and she didn't dare to defend herself. Every other day she stole some money from the cash register and hid it in her room. And then she prepared her outfit to hide her body to look like a tall human woman (if you don't take a closer look).
Even though she had many clothes, she had very few to choose from because they couldn't have the Sugarcoat logo on them and needed to look somewhat normal.
She packed a backpack with the money, a change of clothes, and her portable power bank for an extra 8 hours of electricity (which is much easier to charge than herself directly). Charging cables and her little screwdriver kit just in case and a fuzzy blanket for comfort.
She couldn't take her laptop with games and movies with her in case of tracking. She doesn't have a tracking device built into her, because she was at the shop all the time anyway.
Her outfit: pants and a shirt, a jacket, her Halloween boots, gloves, and a bandana. In her backpack was her outfit like the one from SAMS.
And when she was ready, she escaped the shop at night. It wasn't easy to stay hidden. It was rare for her to find a safe place to charge, so she had to charge her portable power bank where she could (like McDonald's or other) and then plug it in herself to charge hidden in her jacket. She looked like a tall, homeless woman who was resting on a bench or something.
One night a group of people tried to attack and rob her, but she escaped and the next morning she found the building Freddy (Lefty?) Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. She snuck in, disguised as a tall woman under many people, and went unnoticed. She found her way in parts and service and hid there. She could rest and charge without being attacked for two weeks.
Poor Laia, she was on the run for 2 months it took a toll on her, she was so tired and scared. She found a crowbar and kept it close in case she needed to defend herself. She didn't have a plan for what to do in the future, all she knew was to survive.
And one day Eclipse found her, he first thought she was a tall human woman intruder but saw very fast that she was an animatronic, but didn't see her face. Laia was very scared, kept saying that Eclipse would not take her back to the shop and not to come any closer, and was ready to swing the crowbar if he did come closer.
Eclipse was confused and irritated, asking questions but Laia slipped out the door of parts and service looking for a new hiding spot. Clips didn't run after her, because he was busy and is not in the mood for this. But he kept an eye out when he left parts and service.
Days after he began researching about missing animatronics, but couldn't find anything. But he saw the news that Sugarcoat closed and saw pictures of Laia when she was working there. He recognizes her eyes.
He went to search the whole plex and found her somewhere in the basement sitting in the corner. When she saw him she got scared again, holding the crowbar up. Clips tried this time to calm her down, he was bad at it but it worked. He just wanted to know why she was there. She hesitated but then told him everything that happened in the shop and in the streets.
He said he would not tell everyone, not to help her but because he didn't care (yeah sure buddy, you are nice, deal with it!). He said she could stay there until he figured something out. He warned her if she hurt anyone or caused trouble, he would kick her out.
After days he kept checking on her and having some small talk. He brings her stuff to keep her occupied. He tried bringing her candy from the daycare (because mascot of the candy shop), but she hates candy now, so he brought her some chips. The ghost kids found her and started visiting her too and then FC found her and then the whole group knew about her.
Within time she befriended everyone and Eclipse hacked into Fazbear's system and registered Laia as an official Fazbear animatronic (the thing he did when he, Foxy, FC, and Puppet moved in). Her job was to be at the cash register at the theater, so Clips could leave to do other things. And because those two hung out a lot at the theater together, they grew close.
#art#sun and moon show#laia cotton#sams#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#the lunar and earth show#eclipse and puppet show#eaps#I'm bad at writing fanfictions#but it's a story#add comic idea on my long list#black sheep
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